New Holiday Shows Coming Next Year!

Sharknado; The North Pole: In the third installment of the movie series, a sharknado hits the North Pole, and sharks start snacking on elf appetizers. That is until Santa and his flying reindeer go into action. Santa has a chainsaw and Prancer has sharpened his antlers. It’s a gore fest galore, but red is a Christmas color right? And who cares if tornados don’t occur at the North Pole? When has science actually stopped SyFy in making a program?

Game of Thrones Christmas Special: Lots of people die. Winter is still coming.

We Wish You a Cthulu Christmas: Oops. Someone has replaced the hymnals at Midnight Mass and instead of singing “Silent Night,” the choir summoned the Old Ones! It’s going to be a primeval Christmas!

A WB Crossover Christmas: Arrow and the Flash against Captain Cold! Once they defeat the evil doer, they use the cold gun to bring a white Christmas to Central City. All is merry and bright until Arrow puts a shaft through Rudolph after mistaking him for a laser-nosed meta-human.